If you like this site or the collection of ghazals, you can tell your friends about the features of this site and/or sent them our url by E-mail.You can also tell about the features of the site. just copy and paste the following text in your E-mail.
1.This Site is basically dedicated to ghazals.It contains Ghazals,articals on ghazals and brief introduction of the ghazal writing poets of present and past.
2. This site contains an ever growing collection of ghazals being written in hindi-urdu or a language which is reffered as Hindustani which is the common language of indian subcontinent this language is easy to understand as it is not strictly hindi or urdu.
3.Script of the ghazals is Devnagari.but soon roman and persian scripts are going to be introdued so that more readers can read the ghazals.
4. At present this site contains more than 1000 ghazals and the number is growing day by day.
5.It contains addresses and links of many of present day poets.
6. New poets can get place in the list of poets and also publish their ghazals provided they are writing well.
7.Writer writing other form of literature can also publish their book though this site.
If you have any enquiry or suggestion, please write us at paigaam123@yahoo.com